
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Trends Product Design Companies Are Focusing on in 2018

A new year isn’t just a new opportunity to create bigger and better products; it’s also a chance to take stock and look at the prevailing philosophies and trends in design. Here is a quick list of the design trends that will dominate 2018:

The Internet Is Everywhere

The smartphone touched off more than just a revolution in the way people communicate, but also in the way products are designed. Given the convenience the Internet provides, people now expect more products to be internet capable from their fitness trackers, to their fridges, and even their shoes—hence the rise of “the Internet of things.” In 2018, expect even more products to come out that can access and transmit data seamlessly through the worldwide web. Read more from this article:

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Leading Industrial Design Company Reveals the Common Mistakes Inventors Make

These days, consumers expect products to have both excellent form and function. Indeed, there has never been a time when industrial design has been more in vogue. As you probably know, there are many companies that have stepped up to the plate. If you’re new to product development, here are some mistakes you need to avoid:

Good Ideas, Bad Design

Having a groundbreaking idea is no guarantee that you’ll end up with a runaway success. As often happens, that potential is squandered when inventors fail to translate a good idea into good product design. In truth, even a mediocre idea, once it undergoes professional design and development process, has a better chance of succeeding. Hence, make sure to partner with a trusted industrial design company to give your product a leg up on the market. Read more from this article: